Tuesday, May 29, 2007

And away we go

I have tried to have a blog before and failed dismally...hmmm what is that quote about doing the same the but expecting a different result - either the definition of stupidity or eternal optimism I suppose.

I was really inspired to try to blog by Rosie O'Donnell, I love her blog and her fearlessness in both voicing her opinion and in sharing a lot about her family and her life. It is a rare glimpse into the real life of a celebrity...all the more precious because she doesn't take it for granted that her being her means anything more in the world than me being me or you being you.

I have friends who are great and talented writers..wordsmiths...poets; well, that ain't me. With me you get a stream of conciousness with occasional random acts of punctuation...and maybe a capital letter here and there. Oh and really over used ellipses which I am sure will drive my friend Wired batty if she reads here.

I will leave comments open unless people start being troll like in which case I won't. I will say however that this is my space to say what I want and not actually your space to make me feel bad...reasonable debate and exchange of ideas is welcome.

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