Wednesday, May 14, 2008

So you all know (well not that anyone reads this I think but if they did they would know) that I am a fan of Rosie O'Donnell. I think today when I went to her website, I realized that at least part of that comes from her willingness to be excited about things and supportive of people. She has a video on there of a fellow NO NO Nannette cast member tapping....and he is awesome. What I loved is that she is only a disembodied voice in the background encouraging isn't about glorifying is all about the joy in this mans pure talent.

I think this world would be better if more people just tried every day to find one thing to admire about someone and expressed it in a heartfelt and genuine way. I mean really, it is so easy to pick up negative messages.....I mean this morning I was laying bed and I snapped on the news to see what the weather was going to be which really on the face of it seems like a normal thing and not one fraught with peril...I mean the news. So as Ilistened there were three ads for diet products and an interview with a 16 year old size 0-2 model about being criticized because her legs were chunky. Wow my thigh is probably larger than this chicks waist. So anyway, the point being as a fat chick especially, you can't go for 24 straight hours AND participate in life without getting some message about how bad it is that you are a fat chick.

Ok point taken, but for gods sake could we just find something equally GOOD to praise in people? Like hey you are a registered voter....that really is important...speak up voice and opinion...try to change the world for the better. Or wow, look at your great shoes, I can't find cool looking shoes like that, you have a knack for that. I mean really people shouldn't have to win the Nobel peace prize to get a little praise. It is actually kind of fun. I try to do it randomly periodically. I don't get out much but when I do, I try to randomly compliment someone. You have no idea how contagious it is. I told a Walmart clerk last time I was there, that I appreciated her extra effort to make sure that the Easter candy was hidden because smallgirlchild who passionately believes in the tooth fairy, easter bunny and Santa was with me. So I left the Walmart clerk smiling and chatting with the lady behind me....can I take total credit for it? probably not but on the other hand, I like to think that there is such a thing as a small shift away from the gloom.
I am jealous of people with new babies today..I want a baby. Sadly I don't want to raise another child, smallgirlchild is plenty. So that means no new baby for me even if it were physically possible. I think more people should remember that the small baby is cute the temper tantrum throwing 10 year old not quite so much.

The raising a kid thing is hard...people don't tell you about the what to do when you spouse is as whiney and pouty as your child for example....hmmm maybe that should be my million dollar break through book, to raise a husband and child simultaneously.... Don't get me wrong, I love the hubby but last night I finally looked at him and asked if he could just pretend to be a grown up long enough to end the whining and get the kid to bed on a reasonable happy note. I feel like a failure when there is a big emotional scene right before she goes to bed.

OOOh has some fabulous dark chocolate with crystallized ginger in it...was a mother day gift and yummy!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Oh loverly social times today - Dim Sum at Jun-Bo with smallgirlchild and eight of our was lovely and the service was friendly and the food was marvelous if perhaps a little shrimp heavy.

I really liked the barbecued meat just sliced on a plate and it certrainly made it easy for smallgirlchild to find things to eat. I was very proud she was adventurous and tried some new stuff with mostly success. She is getting to an age where the at least we don't get what I call the Mr Yuck face and the spitting out of food.

In the car on the way home a friend was explaining the concept of philosphy and solipsism to her....I was fascinated by watching her mind work.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Okay here is where it starts

I am gonna make at least a post a day if it kills me in the process just to think. At the moment I probably have no readers and that might be okay too.

You should all go to though. It is an awesome knitting site made by several of my friends and has cute pictures as well.

My small daughter got a wii for Christmas....becasue of some wonderful people who are unrelated to us except by the ties of friends. She adores it and I have to say I am interested by the possibilities.

It is kinda funny raising an inner city kid..we have no space for things like ping pong tables, but the wii has a substitute....crazy but yet space saving.

Testing this hope I did it right


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Well I have decided to try this new thing where I get paid for posting about stuff (all good)

and becasue I want to write more 0- and at least by having this incentive to write for money about a certain subject I can maybe get inspired to write something. It should make my blog one huge ranty Sold out to the MAn I am so proud of myself.